Buy Rich Nature 100% Organic Goji Berries Super Fruit 227g 8 Oz (Rice Paper Eco Pack) With Special Pomotions & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping
Product Feature
- 100% USDA Organic, raw, vegan, naturally Gluten Free.
- Sweet, chewy, Premium Grade berries
- Grown, imported, and distributed by Rich Nature
- The deeper the red, the more carotenoids. Our berries are a rich, deep red
- All berries are hand selected for superior Size and Quality.
Product Description
Goji Berries are powerful super berries, but most of all, they're a great, healthy snack alternative. Native to China and previously known as Wolfberries, it is now dominating supermarkets and primarily known as Goji. Rich Nature Gold Standard Organic Goji berries are noted for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and Zeaxanthin properties among their superior taste and other qualities. Goji berries are known for their positive role of visual acuity in macular degeneration and other degenerated eye problems because it contains a high concentration of Zeaxanthin, which is one of the two major nutrients in human retina tissue. Lastly, Goji berries should also be appreciated for their other Super-fruit properties, such as that they are packed with over 18 Amino Acids (including all 8 Essential fatty Acids), iron, phosphorous, 20+ trace minerals, riboflavin, and beta-carotene. Simply rehydrate in water, sprinkle in soup, or eat by the handful straight from the bag.
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